Got this from my new friend Tim in England who started the adapter process before me, instead of doing all the work once again I'll buy one from him instead. Time to setup the gearbox in the mill and prepare!
torsdag 22 mars 2012
fredag 9 mars 2012
onsdag 7 mars 2012
Camper summary
It was very greasy. VERY greasy...
A lot of time was just cleaning, but it gives some figures anyway how much time it takes when something unplanned happens. I started saturday by disassembling everything from the TDI. Sunday I was ready to mount the Land Rover pump after some milling of the TDI mounting bracket at my friends workshop. Monday was supposed to be the day to get the JX out and to take all the parts needed, but here the greasy surprise occured and I had to clean everything - from the engine compartment and all the way into the oil pan. I didn't have the parts needed removed from the old engine until tuesday noon, and now I had to go back to the office. From now on all the extra work had to take place night time after the kids were asleep. But late late late friday night I started the TDI.
I actually had to take the gearbox out once again, I forgot to remove the two pegs from the flywheel and everything got stuck. That was another extra 2 hours crawling under the van. Two minutes to fix the problem and the rest was a long bad language exercise.
Saturday, one week later, the bus was on the street again. Happily rev'ing. Sunday, had to fix a few minor issues that irritated me.
Yesterday, 4 hours of workshop cleaning...
In total, I would say about 60-70 hours to make it happen from that I started to work with the donor engine until it was all done. But it also inludes a lot of other things that I did on the way:
- New water pump
- New alternator belt
- New timing belt and tensioners
- New oil and filter
- New turbo return line (fabricated)
- Alternator tensioner regreased
- Head cover retightened
- Oil cooler retightened
- Thermostat houing swapped and retightened
- Coolant ports swapped and retightened
- Panic fixing of a halfly broken clutch
- CV joints relubricated
- EGR removed
- New engine support, left side
- Plenum (smallest ever) to connect turbo and intake
- Customized oil stick, kept the TDI stick this time
- Swapped the oilpan
- Customized the filter housing to fit the TDI turbo
- Added a gate for the oil cooler pump sensor
- Replaced the battery cables and connectors
That's about it. That and a lot of oil bomb cleaing takes 65 +/-5 hours.
fredag 2 mars 2012
Left side motor mount
A TDI turbo sits further back than the 1.6 turbo and conflicts with the motor mount. A new one has to be made. I choose to fabricate it, mount and add the exhaust mount at last. Easier to get it right when everything is in place.
torsdag 1 mars 2012
Fitting the old filter with the TDI
The TDI has the turbo in a different position and the old filter and hoses doesn't fit. But I do as I use to do, cut and reweld the tubes to fit!
It's easy with a soldering iron and the leftovers as welding material. Now everything looks like factory standard.
Getting back in
Well, didn't make it saturday to monday. Too many things on the way took hours to fix and then I had to get back to work.
Thursday evening and finally it's getting back in. Running tonight?..