tisdag 8 juni 2010

Finally tyres done!

Well, it was about time. I've finally got the longer studs and bolts I've been waiting for - just to find out that they don't fit...

The splines are different, the splines are wider and the end radius too wide causing the studs to not go to the bottom.
Anyway, the differences were "managable" and with some grinding and brute force (sledge is the word here) they got into the hubs anyway.

So this morning I went to a tyre store and got the tyres mounted. I was a little bit worried that the tyres should cause problem, they're C-class tyres and stiff like crazy and just a tiny bit wider than the 7 inch wide rims. In the end it turned out pretty good! Instead of have the usual "bulky" fat heavy duty tyre look the sides were pushed out and the rubber got straight. I wouldn't say they look like racing tyres, but much better than I expected.

Tonight - put 'em on the pickup time!

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