lördag 8 maj 2010

David visiting, soon of - to Cape Town!

David parking on our street, my kid Valter on the other side of the street is super excited - at the age of 1½....
David, behind the wheel.

David's long tour camper.
TDI'd since ages and a real intake snorkel!

I bought a set of tyres for my pickup from a guy called David, a super friendly lad that brought the tyres on a trip to Stockholm from the northern parts. He came in his Syncro Caravelle, that has been TDI converted for many thousands of km's. We had a nice chat over a coffee about different convert's and their upcoming trip - David and his wife is soon of in the camper to South Africa! They plan to spend a whole year on the road visiting people and having a good time. This is not the first trip they do, they've been to Greece two times to start with, Stockholm-Athens is 3700 km and they live another 750 km up north... I'm jealous, I want out on the road too (can I convince my wife to go to Portugal again?..).
Anyway, we drove to my workshop with the tyres and continued talking about TDI's as he inspected my engine work, I think we talked for another 1½ hour.
They have their on blog about the trip here: http://swedenafrica.blogspot.com/
Good luck David!

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